Dangerous Cargo Offices (DCO) are in charge of delivering acceptance for loading dangerous goods on board our vessels (Marseille, Le Havre, Norfolk, Hong Kong and Melbourne).
No dangerous goods under an ANL Bill of Lading are allowed to be loaded on ANL vessels or vessels chartered by ANL or partner’s vessels without prior acceptance of ANL Dangerous Cargo Office who will issue an acceptance number.
Dangerous Cargo Offices only accept dangerous goods substances complying with IMO Rules/national and local regulations, ANL Policy, Lines instructions and Ship Manager/Planner comments if particular restrictions due to ships configuration.
It is also important to note that a dangerous goods booking under ANL Bill of Lading may be loaded on board partners vessels. In that case, our partners may impose additional restrictions to those previously listed.
Acceptance of hazardous cargoes does not relieve shippers of their obligations and shippers will be held fully responsible for any consequences arising out of their negligence, or negligence of any person working for them directly or indirectly.
Referring to the IMDG Code, “classification shall be made by the shipper/consignor or by the appropriate competent authority where specified in this Code”.
The shipper/consignor is fully responsible of the product classification. The shipper shall provide our local agent with the Dangerous Goods Declaration and the packing certificate dully signed. No dangerous goods will be loaded on board vessels without these documents.
Before booking a dangerous good, please prepare information below
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